Monday, September 17, 2007


Hello, interwebs. My name is Chris. I like to write, and I read a surreal amount of blogs. I have finally given in and decided to create a blog, largely based on a post from BlazersEdge with Henry Abbott and my thorough enjoyment of Tom Ziller, Louis Gray, and section214 on SactownRoyalty. This area will (hopefully) soon be filled with thoughts on sports, music, and the absurd happenings in our world. I will likely mix in creative writing in the form of poetry and possibly a rare story. Anyways, here's to an organizational tool for the inner workings of my brain. If you are reading this, thank you, and hopefully some decent content will be up shortly.

1 comment:

Max said...

Hah, we use the same basic template on blogger. I guess that makes us ultra bros, even moreso than before. BRO IT UP.